112 - Kindness

Canon 5DmkII, 70-200mm at 160mm, iso200, 1/45 sec at f/2.8,

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer

At what age do we forget this?


Sean said…
That is a fantastic photograph... really nicely done. The quote is interesting... I imagine we lose sight of it the minute we allow predjudices and self interest to dominate. Problem is that this is happening at earlier ages nowadays... it is sad that it happens... but another aspect of life which is deteriorating. Beautiful shot - did I say that?
Sehraeuber said…
excellent street shot, superb candid ... just beautiful!
Marka said…
If only we could relearn the natural curiosity and pleasantness of childhood...

Thanks for the great photo and useful reminder that kindness really does go a long way in this world of ours.
J. L. T. said…
This shot gets right into the h.e.a.r.t. It´s poetry! Thanx for this wonderful story! Have a nice weekend!
Thanks guys, this is one that just screamed at me...

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