162 - Big Bend National Park

My friend and amazing photographer T.J. Avery is conducting a photography workshop at his favorite stomping grounds, Big Bend National Park, Texas. TJ knows Big Bend, has photographed the area extensively and has had his BB images published. He has put together a fabulous workshop and if you want to discover a great national park and learn some new skills join him in October. The details for the workshop are here Big Bend Workshop.

Not sure about Big Bend? Here are some images I took in 2009...
Here's the link for more of my Big Bend images.


Marti said…
Love your images of Big Bend, Mike. I'm so in love with this place!! Having Big Bend withdrawals, as I do when I've been away too long. :)
Thomas J Avery said…
Damn, sorry I missed this post. Thank you! Thank you for posting about the workshop. I greatly appreciate it.

I just went through your Big Bend photos again, and it brought back some really great memories. And, of course, it was nice to look through some quality photos of my favorite place :-)

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