159 - Solitude

Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends,
rather than mob merriment, 
noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.
William Powell


Marka said…
A worthy quote.
myonlyphoto said…
Mike something very serene. How do you find your places to photograph? Anna :)
Marka thanks for your comments...

Anna, I find places by exploring and making myself available for the places to find me. I'm always Scouting with the thoughs of what would work under ideal conditions. The "Solitude" image is one of those scouted places and when the fog rolled in I ran to it knowing something would be there. Thanks for your comments I always appreciate them...
J.L.T. Thank you, but you are the dreamful one!!!
Eternal Learner said…
Mike, your photos keep getting better and better. When I saw this pop up on the screen, all I thought was "Wow!".

Unknown said…
Cool shot, I know that place...

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