129 - Change
The most powerful thing you can do to change the world, is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, reality, to something more positive... and begin to act accordingly. Shakti Gawain
I threw him to deeper water...
Meanwhile a young trio were saving life on a bigger scale take a look here...
Other images from this trip...
Saving the world one starfish and one whale at a time -- gives me hope!
I love the simplicity and visual impact. The starfish is so isolated and alone, yet the warm colors of the sunset are comforting and inviting.
I want to move the starfish to the right half of the photo, therefore making a visual diagonal between the bright clouds and the little guy. I guess that's how I would have framed it if I was lucky enough to have been there and attentive enough to have caught that detail :-) But then it might be a little plain that way. I'm not sure.
Anyway, the light streaks in the sand are well balanced and make nice leading lines that converge inwards as you go deeper. That really works well here.
I liked the other images in the group. The first and second ones are really great. They have such a nice balance and rhythm.