124 - Delight

Imagine my delight when I saw this. Atlantic ocean on the right the Bahama bank on the left and a thin layer of clouds just like the island.


Marka said…
Absolutely gorgeous!
Marti said…
Lovely -- just absolutely lovely. And you captured it so well. Hope you are enjoying your trip.
J. L. T. said…
Oh yes I could imagine. But you are the master of this kind of photos, so you receive this kind of photo-gifts! Sunny greetings
Debra Trean said…
WOW WOW WOW this is breathtaking!!!!
Thomas J Avery said…
What an amazing match of form and texture! The scene is so simple yet very powerful and beautiful. This is the kind of scene that makes me slow down and think.

It is not complicated (rocks, water, sky) but is just so powerful and bold that it really grabs my attention.

At first I didn't like the road and power lines, but I think they help add a little context. If they weren't there, then this scene would look timeless and like it came from yesterday or a billion years ago. The human element, although a bit distracting from the natural beauty, helps to make a better connection with the landscape.

My only complaint about this is the strong yellow cast on the left. It looks like a yellow filter has been applied over the water and clouds - and that's okay to warm up the colors, but I think it's a bit too strong and the transition out of the filter is too abrupt.
I very much appreciate all your comments and support, this is one of my favorite places.

TJ, thanks for your critique, you are becoming as good at critiquing as you are at photography, and that's excellent. This is an HDR and I agree I'd tone down the yellow to print it.
Line said…
amazing worK!!!!!!!

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